The fluvio cloud cluster
family of commands is used to create, delete, and troubleshoot Fluvio clusters in cloud.
$ fluvio cloud cluster -h
$ fluvio cloud cluster
View Cluster information
Usage: fluvio cloud cluster <COMMAND>
create Create a new Fluvio cluster
delete Delete an existing Fluvio cluster
list List all Fluvio clusters
sync Sync Fluvio cluster profile
usage Print cluster usage stats
fluvio cloud cluster create
This command is used to provision a new cluster.
$ fluvio cloud cluster create -h
$ fluvio cloud cluster create
Create a new Fluvio cluster
Usage: fluvio cloud cluster create <NAME> [OPTIONS]
--profile <PROFILE> The name of the Profile to save
--version <VERSION> Fix the Fluvio version of this cluster (not recommended)
--region <REGION> The ID of the region in which to create this cluster (beta)
Choosing a non-default region with --region
is currently in private beta and not available to the public.
Specifying --version
fixes the Fluvio version and prevents the cluster from being auto-upgraded. This is for installing experimental releases and not generally recommended.
fluvio cloud cluster sync
This command synchronized the cluster connection info to the Fluvio config on the machine
$ fluvio cloud cluster sync -h
$ fluvio cloud cluster delete
Delete an existing Fluvio cluster
fluvio cloud cluster delete <NAME> [OPTIONS]
--profile <PROFILE> The name of the Profile to save
Example usage:
$ fluvio cloud cluster delete my-cluster
fluvio cloud cluster list
Command to show the fluvio clusters in Cloud associated with current user.
$ fluvio cloud cluster list -h
$ fluvio cloud cluster list
List all Fluvio clusters
fluvio-cloud cluster list
Example usage:
$ fluvio cloud cluster list
my-cluster true Installed 0.10.0 1
fluvio cloud cluster delete
This command deletes the specified cluster
$ fluvio cloud cluster delete -h
$ fluvio cloud cluster delete
Delete an existing Fluvio cluster
fluvio-cloud cluster delete <CLUSTER>
Example usage:
$ fluvio cloud cluster delete my-cluster